Sharing culture and song

Main photo: Sharing culture and song. Photo taken at Big Sing in the Desert 2018. Photo by Amy Jean Harding. Small photos taken by Liz Phillips and Prue Adams.

“When we get together for the music, the singing, it’s like healing. That’s what I see”

Gwen Inkamala – Ntaria, NT

“We feel connected because we share a common language – music.”

Rachel Hore OAM – Director, Big Sing Inc

“The whole thing was beautiful. It was fantastic to get the younger ones involved.”

Aunty Lyn Davis – Forster NSW

Singers first gathered at our choral camps and workshops in 2010. Many songs have been shared, stories written and important friendships made.

Big Sing Inc and its activities have now concluded, but the Big Sing Community website remains as a record of our events, songs, images and stories.

Read my announcement.

Final Big Sing in the Desert, 2023

Our 10th and final Big Sing in the Desert was held at Ross River homestead in April 2023 and was a wonderful weekend of generous goodwill, big hearts and great music.

Past events

Music, joy and connection at past Big Sing events – Big Sing in the Desert, Big Sing by the Sea, and Singing on Dyarubbin Shores.

Announcement from Big Sing founder Rachel Hore OAM

After much discussion with the Big Sing Inc Management Committee members over the past year, we have decided to close our little organisation that has been supporting the beautiful Big Sing events that started with Big Sing in the Desert nearly 15 years ago. It has been my deepest honour to be involved in creating this idea, watching it grow and blossom, and finding its tendrils moving across the country from the desert to the sea. You can find a record of the events, songs, images and stories that make up the memories of our Big Sing Community at

Here is a video of the final Big Sing in the Desert at Ross River homestead in April 2023, celebrating our 10th anniversary.

There are many people I wish to thank!

Our donors and sponsors: To the thousands of people who donated so generously to support First Nations singers to attend Big Sing events since we began in 2010. Thank you!

My outstanding co teachers: Morris Stuart at Big Sing in the Desert; Jacinta Tobin, Stacy-Jane Etal and Suze Pratten at Singing on Dyarubbin Shores; Sandra Kwa at Big Sing by the Sea. Thank you!

The Big Sing Indigenous singers, First Nations choirs, mentors and teachers who have been so generous with their knowledge, participation and support: Singers from the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s choir, and the communities of Ntaria/Hermannsburg, Titjikala, Utju/Areyonga, Mutitjulu, Kaltukatjara/Docker River and Mparntwe/Alice Springs; Aunty Lyn Davis, Aunty Janice Paulson and Barraya Wakulda choir from Worimi Country (Forster, NSW region); Anjilkurri Rhonda Radley and the Ngarrgan-Mirriiyn choir from Birpai Country (Port Macquarie, NSW region); Cheryl Davison and Djinama Yilaga choir from Yuin Country (NSW South Coast); and the many other First Nations singers who have supported and participated in our events over the years. A huge thank you!

Big Sing by the Sea will keep going!

Under the auspices of Forster Neighbourhood Centre, this wonderful event is continuing.

Find out more here:
Forster Neighbourhood Centre

Supporting organisations: Many wonderful organisations have supported us over the years: Waltja, the Purple House, Centre Bush Bus, Centrecorp Foundation, Music NT, Forster Neighbourhood Centre and WomanSong Choir. Thank you!

Our team in Alice Springs: Liz Archer, Kate Lawrence, Joy Taylor, Suzy Manigian, Amy Jean Harding, Rob Borgas, Jodie Lee, Susan Ambler, Lesley Sammon, Jill Day, Sarah Dillane and our many other volunteers over the years. For all of your amazing dedication, hard work, energy and wisdom I can’t thank you enough.

The family of Jill Parliament: Thank you for making it possible for us to offer Scholarships to Indigenous choirs and singers.

My wonderful Big Sing Inc Management Committee members: Who have given their time, wisdom and generous selves to supporting Big Sing Inc on an organisational level over the past eight years – I deeply thank you.

Our Patron: Heartfelt thanks to Tom Calma AO for your support and enthusiasm.

And finally, to all the BIG SING singers and participants: For all of you who came to a Big Sing event and made it the joyful and wonderful experience that it was, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Below are some lovely pics of the very last Big Sing in the Desert in 2023 – showing the next generation of singers to come! I hope to sing with you again somewhere, sometime in the future. 

Rachel Hore OAM

The wonderful Singchronicity choir from Alice Springs.

Songwriting teacher Cassii Williams leading a workshop.

Anjilkurri Rhonda Radley and members of the Ngarrgan-Mirriiyn choir

Genise and Nicholas Williams

Our events 

Big Sing Community events are activities of Big Sing Incorporated (ABN 17 387 893 463), a registered charity providing opportunities for singing and cultural sharing on Country.