Sponsor a First Nations Singer

Main Photo: Hilda Bert and Daphne Puntjina from Areyonga, with Marion Swift from Ntaria at Big Sing in the Desert, 2018. Photo by Amy Jean Harding.

Sponsor a First Nations Singer

Our Big Sing sponsors are a crucial part of Big Sing Community’s success. Every year people across Australia support First Nations singers attending Big Sing Community events.

Since 2010, funds raised have contributed directly to the costs of transport, accommodation and workshop expenses for singers from the Central Desert communities of Kaltukatjara (Docker River), Mutitjulu, Titjikala, Utju (Areyonga), Ntaria (Hermannsburg) and Mparntwe (Alice Springs) to attend Big Sing in the Desert.

Big Sing Community has also supported First Nations singers from communities on the East coast to attend Big Sing in the Desert and other events.

Donations tax deductible

Donations to Big Sing Incorporated to Sponsor a First Nations Singer are tax deductible.

Peggy Gallagher from Areyonga, Judy Trigger and Rene Kulitja from Mutijulu, Sandra and Caroline Windy from Areyonga at Big Sing in the Desert, 2018.

What our sponsored singers have to say …

“When we get together for the music, the singing, it’s like healing. That’s what I see.” – Gwen Inkamala, Ntaria NT, Big Sing in the Desert 2018.

The scholarship supports Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from around Australia to attend Big Sing events.

More info …

The Song Keepers

Many singers from the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir are regular participants at Big Sing in the Desert. This is made possible by your generous support of our Sponsor a First Nations Singer fundraising.  Hilda, Daphne and Marion (in main picture above) have been invaluable teachers and leaders at every Big Sing in the Desert since it began in 2010. I am honoured to know them and work with them.

Watch the trailer for the beautiful documentary film The Song Keepers which tells the story of the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir’s tour to Germany with Morris Stuart in 2015.

Further Information

Jodie Lee

0415 885 335

You can also keep up-to-date with Big Sing in the Desert updates and other Big Sing Community news by joining the Mailing List and following Big Sing Community on Facebook and Instagram.

Big Sing Community events are activities of Big Sing Incorporated (ABN 17 387 893 463), a registered charity providing opportunities for singing and cultural sharing on Country. Donations to Big Sing Incorporated are tax deductible.